A pharmacist is a health care professional specializing in dispensing prescription medications. These professionals have extensive training in the composition and dosage of drugs. They also have extensive knowledge of side effects of medicines and how to handle them. In addition, pharmacists are also trained to fill physician prescriptions and track medicinal history. In addition, pharmacists can answer most medical questions and help people find the right medications to treat a variety of health conditions. Listed below are some benefits of becoming a pharmacist. A pharmacist’s primary role is to provide healthcare services to individuals. They provide treatment plans based on the needs of their patients. These medications are reviewed, analyzed, and adjusted to provide the best possible quality of life for patients. Pharmacists also manage and supervise pharmacy technicians, residents, and other support staff. The following definitions are based on specific areas of practice. You can find a more detailed description of these and other terms in the Pharmacy Glossary. A pharmacist’s role is changing. The healthcare industry is experiencing a rapid aging population. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, one in five Americans will be aged 65 or older by 2050. Older patients tend to have more complex drug regimens and complex medical conditions. A pharmacist’s job is to help these patients navigate the complexities of their treatment regimens while minimizing the costs. Because more people are aging, the number of pharmacists specializing in the care of the elderly is growing. The oldest known pharmacy in Europe is the Dubrovnik pharmacy, which opened in 1317. This pharmacy is a Franciscan monastery and is the oldest continuously operating pharmacy in Europe. The pharmacy in Tallinn, Estonia, dates back to at least 1422. Another pharmacy dating back to the 15th century is the Esteve Pharmacy in Llivia, a Catalan enclave. This pharmacy, which is now a museum, keeps albarellos from the 16th and 17th centuries. It also contains some antique drugs. While most graduates of Northeastern University’s pharmacy program go into pharmacy practice, there are many other options available for pharmacists. While many choose to become pharmacists in their local community, high-paying jobs are more common in other parts of the U.S. Approximately 10% of pharmacy students choose alternative paths. Others go into sales or regulatory affairs at pharmaceutical companies. Others work in sales, where they explain drug compositions and benefits to hospitals and doctors. Kingston University London is one of the best pharmacy schools in London, ranking 26th in the nation in the Guardian University League Tables 2020. Kingston’s Pharmacy MPharm (Hons) degree provides students with real-world experience working with patients and future healthcare professionals. The four-year course teaches students the principles of chemistry, pharmaceutics, and pharmacology. If you want to become a pharmacist, this is the right choice. Those interested in research can pursue a Master’s degree or a Ph.D. degree in pharmacy. During the 2019-2020 academic year, 84 colleges of pharmacy offered Master of Science programs. Other post-graduate training options include fellowships and residency programs. The latter are highly individualized programs designed to prepare pharmacists for careers in research laboratories or in pharmacy practices. Finally, pharmacists who want to run their own pharmacies often pursue a Master’s degree in business administration.

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Cancer is a disease in which abnormal or old cells continue to divide and grow, disrupting the normal cell growth cycle. Cancer develops when these cells begin to multiply beyond their normal limits and then form tumors. While the body is naturally made up of trillions of cells, each cell contains a unique set of genes that dictate how it will grow, divide, work, and eventually die. This orderly process is largely unaffected by age, but certain factors may make some cells abnormal. As with any disease, the outlook for patients with cancer depends on the type and severity of the disease. While cancer is potentially fatal, early diagnosis and treatment can significantly increase the likelihood of survival. This is because cancer cells interfere with proper organ function, restricting the supply of oxygen and accumulating waste products. These effects may ultimately lead to death. Luckily, most cancer cases can be successfully treated. Smoking, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and asbestos are all known carcinogens, which are the most common causes of cancer. Tobacco and other chemicals, which contain high levels of chloroform and other carcinogens, can also cause cancer. In fact, one in five cancer deaths are directly linked to smoking. Many types of cancer are diagnosed by a doctor’s examination of a particular area of the body. Some are diagnosed during routine screening exams at certain ages, but many are discovered when a patient exhibits symptoms. When a person is diagnosed with cancer, the doctor will usually perform a physical exam to determine the cause of the symptoms and order various tests. Some of these tests are simple, while others may require invasive surgery or guided needles. In some cases, the development of cancer is the result of multiple mutations in DNA. Some cancer cells have twice as many chromosomes as normal cells. Other cancer cells make energy differently than normal cells. These abnormalities are crucial because cancer cells cannot survive without these abnormal behaviors. This is why researchers have developed treatments that target these features of the cells. They are called ‘anti-cancer drugs’. A new study suggests that the new drugs available in the market can kill cancer cells. Research has shown that 18% of deaths from cancer are caused by infectious diseases. The proportion varies between developing and developed countries. Infectious diseases are typically the cause of cancer in humans, but other infectious agents can cause the disease. These include bacteria and parasites, and may be responsible for the development of cancer. For this reason, it is essential to avoid exposure to these substances and ensure that you get plenty of rest, as physical activity is beneficial to your overall health. Cancer is a devastating disease. While most cancers are curable, some are worse than others. Some can spread throughout the body, while others remain confined to one particular area. There are several types of cancer and each one has its own treatment options. Cancer is the number one cause of death worldwide. However, thanks to advances in detection and treatment, the death rate from cancer has decreased significantly. If you’re worried about cancer, talk to your doctor today.

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Medical services are generally performed by health professionals in doctor’s offices, clinics, nursing homes, schools, and home visits. Primary care services include treatment for acute illnesses, preventive care, and health education. Some health professionals also specialize in certain areas, such as cardiology or oncology. In general, primary care physicians are the most familiar and trusted providers of medical services. They may work in a private practice or in an office setting. Regardless of location, physicians provide primary care services that help people live healthy and active lives. Insurance companies issue EOBs to patients following the processing of claims. These documents list the amount of the billed, allowed, and paid amounts for services rendered. EOBs are required for tax purposes and detail the medical benefits activity of an individual or family. An EOB contains a number assigned to a patient by their insurance company. Some health insurance companies offer free or reduced rates to patients who can prove financial hardship. The amount of the bill will be based on the number of insurance companies the patient has. Other branches of medical science include anatomy, which deals with physical structures of organisms, cytology, and histology, which deals with microscopic structures. Molecular biology, which studies the underlying mechanisms of genetic materials, is another branch of the field. In addition, neuroscience includes disciplines related to the nervous system, such as the brain and spinal cord. It also includes neurosurgery and psychiatry. Some of the most commonly practiced branches of medicine are biostatistics and neurology. Medicine has evolved since prehistoric times. In earlier times, it was an art that was tied with religious beliefs. Ancient philosophers and medicine men used herbs for healing, while ancestors practiced bloodletting, according to humorism theories. Today’s medical practice is a synthesis of science and art. A physician learning to stitch sutures is an artist, while a scientist uses scientific knowledge to understand the cellular and molecular structures of a patient’s body. Training in internal medicine varies between countries, and the duration of residency and fellowship is different. In the US, residents must work at least three years after graduating from medical school. Physicians in other countries may work for less time, but the average number of hours spent as a resident is much lower than in the United States. The duration of a residency is usually less than that of a surgical residency. The same principles apply to physician-assisted surgery. When preparing patient bills, medical coders use clinical documentation to justify a provider’s fees to payers. If the documentation is incomplete or incorrect, a claim may be denied, resulting in a write-off or even a healthcare fraud investigation. To avoid such problems, healthcare organizations can turn to professional medical coders who use a code set. The process can be faster and more accurate. There are many more benefits to using a professional medical coder.

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While health is generally regarded as the absence of disease, it is also a concept that encompasses a person’s mental, physical, and social well-being. This concept reflects the complex interaction between genetics, lifestyle, and environment. The various determinants of health determine the extent to which an individual is healthy and the extent to which interventions can improve his or her wellbeing. Here are some examples of ways in which these determinants impact health: The World Health Organization defines health as a resource that can benefit society. A healthy lifestyle is an important part of this resource and allows people to live a full, meaningful life. According to researchers in The Lancet, health is the ability to withstand and adapt to new threats and infirmities, and these definitions are consistent with modern science’s advances in disease awareness. However, this definition of health does not account for the fact that many people experience disease, even in their prime. The World Health Organisation defines health as the state of complete physical, psychological, and social well-being. This definition reflects the biopsychosocial model of health, which considers the interplay between psychological, social, and environmental factors. However, it can be counterproductive. By ignoring the socioeconomic and political contexts that influence health, it is impossible to define health with certainty. Regardless of these considerations, there is a need for a new definition of health. Public health professionals are involved in a variety of activities that aim to promote the well-being of many people. Public health professionals work to prevent diseases, recommend policies, and administer services. Clinical health professionals work to cure patients when they become ill or injured. In many cases, public health professionals work to reduce health disparities and promote equity, quality, and accessibility of health care for people. You may be surprised to find out that you are a member of the public health community. Inequalities in health are systematic and avoidable. Inequalities in health are caused by different social circumstances, lifestyle, and factors. Moreover, they are inherently unfair and unjust and require political action. As such, a health-inequal society requires policies that promote a more equitable lifestyle. Health is also about preventing diseases and maintaining the body’s natural metabolic efficiency. If a person is healthy, he or she can perform daily activities with ease. Social determinants of health affect a variety of aspects of an individual’s life. In the United States, health conditions such as education, income, and access to healthy food stores are a major contributor to wide health disparities. For instance, people in poor neighborhoods are more likely to have unhealthy diets, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It’s important to understand that health is a complex phenomenon and that there are no simple answers to the question “How healthy are we?” The environment plays a significant role in determining a person’s health. The natural environment, physical environment, and social environment contribute to good health. Access to clean water, clean air, and adequate housing are important elements of a healthy lifestyle. Lack of natural environments and recreational spaces leads to lower quality of life and increased risk of obesity. Furthermore, a lack of neighborhood recreation spaces and access to healthy foods increases the risk of illness. For example, in many countries, a lack of green spaces has been linked to an increased risk of disease and poor overall health.

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The symbols of a pharmacy vary depending on the country. The mortar and pestle is the most common pharmacy symbol in North America, followed by the medical prescription character, which is usually written as “Rx”. In France, Argentina, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Spain, the pharmacy logo may consist of a green Greek cross, the Bowl of Hygieia, or conical measures. In Germany, a pharmacy logo may include a red stylized letter A, while the Gaper is the rarest of these symbols. The practice of pharmacy involves the preparation and standardization of pharmaceuticals for human and veterinary use. This profession involves the cultivation of plants used as medicines and the synthesis of chemical compounds with medicinal value. Medicinal agents are prepared by pharmacists to treat a variety of conditions, including those caused by infection. The science behind the action of these drugs is known as pharmacology. To practice as a pharmacist, you must have an education in pharmacy. More medicines are on the market, including OTC medications, prescription drugs, and over-the-counter medications. Many of these drugs are complex and require specialized knowledge from pharmacists to manage their side effects and minimize the financial burden on patients. This growing need has increased the need for geriatric, long-term-care, and consultant pharmacists. If you’re considering a career in pharmacy, check out the benefits of these positions. Once you’ve decided which field is right for you, there’s no better time than now to start applying. Before you open your pharmacy, make sure you meet the State’s requirements. In Virginia, the Board of Nursing has certain requirements that pharmacists must meet, including the immunization of both adults and minors. Depending on your jurisdiction, a pharmacist may also be required to lock the pharmacy’s prescription department and alarm it if she’s not physically present. If you’re not a pharmacist, make sure you lock the pharmacy’s doors and alarms when she’s not there. Rural pharmacies also have a special need. Many of the elderly population live in rural areas, and access to a physician may be limited. Rural pharmacies, which typically have smaller populations, are unable to access a pharmacy as readily as urban residents. Even rural pharmacies may face difficulties finding relief coverage or recruiting pharmacists. That’s why they’re necessary for rural residents. You can even use online mail-order pharmacies to fill prescriptions in rural areas. While pharmacists may not have a baccalaureate degree, they can administer vaccines to people of any age. However, they must follow a valid prescription to administer vaccines. In Virginia, pharmacists may administer immunizations under the guidance of the Board of Nursing. For minors, pharmacists may administer influenza vaccine. Virginia Department of Health developed guidelines for pharmacists who wish to administer immunizations. Nonetheless, pharmacists must be certified or licensed.

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If you have Cancer as your Sun sign, you’ve probably already noticed how sensitive this planet can be. You might even find yourself feeling a little sappy every now and then. Thankfully, Cancer is not an incredibly negative sign. But it does have some negative aspects. Cancer natives are known to be extremely self-conscious and emotionally unstable. They may even go through bouts of sadness and gloom in a single day. Here’s how you can deal with this temperamental sign. When cancer is in the brain, it can press on nearby nerves, causing pain and loss of function. It can also invade other parts of the body. This process is known as metastasis. Although cancer can occur anywhere in the body, it is usually named after the area in which it first started. In fact, breast cancer may spread to other parts of the body, making it metastatic. This type of spread is called metastatic breast cancer. When cancer cells multiply, they cause DNA damage. This occurs because cancer cells accumulate multiple mutations in their chromosomes. Some cancer cells have twice the number of chromosomes as normal cells. Others use different types of nutrients for energy, allowing them to grow faster than normal cells. Cancer cells can’t survive without these characteristics, which is why cancer therapies have focused on targeting these mutations. Ultimately, researchers are developing therapies to address these changes. The number of mutations needed for cancer to develop is unknown. Researchers are studying the effects of aging on cancer rates. However, some studies suggest that older age is a major factor. In addition to smoking, environmental exposure to sun, and unhealthy lifestyles all contribute to cancer risk. For example, environmental pollution from pollution can cause cancer. Lastly, the number of mutations required to cause cancer depends on the type of cancer and the cause of it. In addition to cancer research, many organizations focus on raising awareness of the disease. For example, the American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nonprofit organization formed in 1871 by 10 doctors and five laypeople to increase awareness of the disease. In addition, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) is the oldest organization dedicated to cancer research. In addition to funding cancer research, AACR strives to improve awareness by raising money to support cancer-related research and care. In general, cancer is a group of diseases in which the cells of the body divide abnormally. These cells often invade other organs or tissues and disrupt their functioning. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in every six people will develop cancer at some point in their lives. New treatments are being researched every day to improve survival rates. Symptoms of cancer vary based on where the tumor is located. If any of these symptoms persist, you should visit a doctor to rule out cancer. Many cancers don’t have any symptoms until it is diagnosed. Treatment options include chemotherapy and surgery. Chemotherapy is often given in pill form, while radiation therapy involves using high-doses of radiation to kill cancer cells. Surgery may also be used to remove the tumor. A variety of chemotherapy treatments are available, including combinations of the two. These treatments are often the best choice for most cancer patients. Cancer is often silent until it has spread to nearby tissues and organs.

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In modern society, most medical services are provided within the framework of a health care system. Individual governments develop legal, credentialing, and financing frameworks to guide the practice of medicine. These frameworks may be supplemented by international organizations. These characteristics of health care systems have implications for the quality of medical care. Here are three main types of health care systems. In some countries, medical services are provided by the government. In other countries, private individuals pay for medical care. There are several specialties within medical practice. One specialty is cytology, which focuses on the microscopic study of individual cells and organs. Others include endocrinology, which studies hormones, and pharmacology, which studies the effects of drugs and pharmaceuticals on living organisms. Other specialties include radiation biology, which studies the effects of ionizing and nonionizing radiation on living organisms. A related field is lifestyle medicine, which focuses on the management of chronic diseases. The process begins with a patient’s medical history. Usually, patients’ chief complaint is the reason for the visit. This is also called the “presenting complaint.” The medical history records a patient’s past and current medical conditions in chronological order. Other aspects of the medical history include current and past activities, medications (prescribed, over-the-counter, and home remedies), and allergies. Depending on the nature and complexity of a condition, the process can take several minutes or several weeks. Modern biotechnology allows for the development of drugs that target specific physiological processes and work harmoniously with the body. Knowledge of human genetics and genomics is influencing medical decision-making. In addition, modern genetics and evolution has led to the identification of the causative genes for most monogenic genetic disorders. These findings are changing the ways in which we practice medicine. This is why there are more medical specialists today than ever before. However, it is important to note that medical research continues to evolve. The training of medical doctors is very different around the world. Upon completion of medical school, a candidate must complete a residency and a fellowship. Post-residency fellowships can be extremely competitive and last anywhere from one to three years. It is important to note that surgical training may take over a decade after medical school. Regardless of the type of training, it can be a difficult and challenging experience. If you’re interested in this type of training, be prepared to spend years at the hospital. In general, physicians are trained in four different fields. Family practice is a subset of family medicine. It includes physicians who provide medical services in different settings. Obstetrics and gynecology, sometimes abbreviated OB/GYN, is an area of specialization that pertains to medical care of women. Gynecologists also specialize in disorders of the reproductive system, while neurologists deal with diseases of the nervous system. In general, the health care system of a tribal society is not designed to provide universal healthcare. Those who are able to afford this service must either purchase self-insurance or get employment contracts. However, some tribes have medical plans that cover health care costs directly. These plans may include medical assistance for people with low incomes. If you have limited income, you may qualify for Medicaid, a federal health care program. In most cases, medical insurance will cover this expense if you meet certain qualifications.

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There are many different definitions of health. Some people define health as the absence of disease, while others define it as a person’s ability to function in society. Health is a complex phenomenon and depends on many factors, including the way that an individual views their body, their social environment, and their physical health. For example, some people define health as being in a balanced state, while others see health as a matter of balance within the individual and the environment. The definition of health in the Ottawa charter emphasizes the connection between healthy behavior and participation in society. Managing disease is a fundamental part of maintaining health. However, a definition that excludes whole life stages may not be healthy. As a nation, we must look at our own definitions of health and make sure that they work. As a society, we are aging and our population is getting older, it is important to define health and promote a culture of health. Many Canadians attribute their health to their genes, but there is also a role of their environment in maintaining good health. Access to clean air and water, proper housing, and a safe community and roadways all contribute to good health. Lack of outdoor space and neighborhood recreational areas reduce overall health and personal satisfaction. In Canada, for example, poor health is linked to lack of access to food, a lack of physical activity, and social problems. Moreover, a high rate of overweight people in the population raises their risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases. The definition of health in the Canguilhem model includes the animate and inanimate environment, as well as the social and psychological dimensions. A more accurate and comprehensive definition of health is more likely to be relevant for an individual. In addition, this definition places the patient in a position of self-determination, allowing them to make choices and make changes to improve their life. The definition of health is often the same for all cultures. The question is, what makes it a good or bad one? A healthy person has boundless energy, a sharp mind, and perfect digestion. They rarely suffer from flus and colds. Unfortunately, the person with perfect physical health also has terrible relationships. Their relationships with others are poor, and they are often self-centered, selfish, and miserable. All of these factors can lead to a poor quality of life. So, while the idea of a healthy person is attractive and exciting, it is not always true. While there are many different aspects of physical health, they have deep connections. Good physical health protects your heart and breathing, muscles, and overall function. It can also improve your emotional health and improve your quality of life. Mental illness can also have negative effects on physical health, so it is essential to maintain a good balance between the two. The biopsychosocial model of health recognizes the inter-dependence between the two. It is a two-way street.

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A pharmacist is a professional with a wide range of responsibilities in a healthcare setting. They are required to complete continuing education courses to remain current and knowledgeable in the field of pharmacy practice. These professionals are able to provide answers to most medical questions, explain how to use medications, and monitor medicinal histories. In addition to filling prescriptions for doctors, pharmacists can also perform basic healthcare procedures and diagnose common aliments. In addition to dispensing prescription medications, pharmacists can give advice on the correct dosage, side effects, and frequency of taking them. Depending on the area of specialization, pharmacists may work in a hospital, research lab, or government agency. Other specializations include pharmaceutical jurisprudence, merchandising, and accounting. A master’s degree in business administration may also be in the works for pharmacists who wish to manage a pharmacy. However, in order to be successful, pharmacy students must be passionate about the field. They must be willing to learn more than the basics of medicine to reach their goals. In addition to dispensing medications, pharmacists play an important role in rural healthcare. Rural pharmacies play an important role in the delivery of prescription drugs, educating patients, and ensuring patient safety. However, rural community pharmacies face many challenges to remain in business, including low volume purchasing, slim profit margins, unfavorable insurance practices, and limited pharmacy workforces. Rural pharmacies also face a number of challenges when it comes to patient access to pharmaceutical services, such as lack of a local pharmacy. A patient may be too sick to travel to the nearest pharmacy for a prescription, preventing timely access to pharmaceutical services. There are several licensing requirements for pharmacists. In Virginia, the Board of Nursing and the Department of Health Professions have requirements for immunization of adults and minors. If a pharmacist is not physically present in the pharmacy, they cannot dispense prescription drugs. Additionally, pharmacists must lock and alarm the prescription department. The Department of Health Professions may require a physician to obtain a separate license and facility permit. In the meantime, patients cannot receive prescriptions from a physician’s office without an initial inspection. A pharmacist may substitute a therapeutically equivalent drug product for a brand-name prescription in certain circumstances. Generally, however, this substitution is not allowed without the prior approval of the prescriber. If the patient insists on a brand-name product, the pharmacist must follow the dispensing instructions for the medication. This is also true for patients who are prescribed medication orally. If this situation arises, pharmacists must ensure that they follow all guidelines specified in the prescription to avoid any inconvenience to the patient. There are many benefits of becoming a pharmacist. Pharmacy services go beyond dispensing prescription drugs. Many pharmacists serve as doctors in a variety of settings, including rural hospitals. They may provide immunizations and advice about over-the-counter medications and immunizations. Additionally, pharmacists may provide preventive care services, including blood pressure monitoring, cholesterol screening, and diabetes disease management. They may also conduct bone density scans for osteoporosis screening.

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The Cancer personality is highly emotional and self-conscious. Typically, they are prone to gloomy moods. Their tendency to withdraw and hide in their shells makes it difficult to deal with their emotions. Those born under the sign of Cancer should learn to express their feelings to others. Those born under the sign of Cancer should not take everything personally. If you want to make a Cancer a happy lover, you should be patient and understanding. Cancer occurs when cancer cells continue to divide and spread beyond the site where they started. In this case, it is called metastatic cancer. Metastatic cancer is when the cancer has spread to other organs. Malignant tumors, on the other hand, do not spread outside the site where they started. Typically, cancer cells move to distant organs and may cause problems with other parts of the body. Cancer cells develop as a result of several changes in gene content. These changes can be due to genetics passed down from one’s parents and lifestyle habits. Some cancer cells also convince the immune system to protect the tumor and help it grow. The process by which cancer cells transform from normal cells to cancer is described as a “chain reaction.” A chain reaction of errors leads to an increased number of cancerous cells, which escape more controls and are more resistant to treatment. This survival-of-the-fittest scenario, however, is not desirable and is a major cause of cancer. As a result, cancer occurs when the cell’s genes alter the instructions for cell growth and replacement. Genetic changes lead to faulty instructions that may be passed on to the offspring and can increase the risk of the condition. In addition to symptoms, cancer is typically diagnosed through screening and a biopsy. The latter is performed after a person is diagnosed with a symptom. Cancer can be detected during a physical exam and medical history. A pathologist then examines the samples. Some of these tests can be relatively easy to obtain, while others require a guided needle or surgery. A physician can order any number of tests to confirm a diagnosis. A diagnosis of cancer can help guide treatment decisions. The positive traits of Cancer can help you make a successful relationship. If you love and care about a person, you can be sure they will be loyal to you and your family. But remember to keep your distance from them as they can easily be vindictive. You may be able to win them over if you are kind and understanding with them. A Cancer may be a devoted partner, but be careful, because if you hurt them, they can ruin the relationship. The most effective cancer treatment focuses on curing the disease, but sometimes the symptoms of cancer are not obvious until it spreads. When it spreads to other parts of the body, cancer cells break away from the original tumor and form new tumors. This process is called metastasis, and it may be difficult to detect until the cancer has spread to another organ. In most cases, the treatment will include chemotherapy, which destroys cancer cells through high doses of radiation. Alternatively, surgery may be used to remove the cancer.

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